Activity Archives
In this section you will find a collection of compressed PDF files, containing a wide selection of archival material from G.E. Lazaridis' artistic activity, organised in chronological order. You will also find a PDF with relevant links to external sources.
These archives date from Lazaridis' early years (as early as 6 years old), up until 2022. Uncompressed PDFs and all hardcopy originals are available upon request.
This material can be accessed by clicking on the above 'Activity Archives' tab and then selecting one of the submenus, according to which time period you are seeking to review.
in cases where the material was initially published in Greek (or in any other non-English language), selected sections have been translated in English. All the material that was initially published in English, only appears in its original form.
The PDFs open in a new window (or new tab in your browser). Please be patient while you wait for your selection to download, as it may take several minutes according to your internet connection speed.